Almond, Kale, And Banana Smoothie

Almond, Kale, And Banana Smoothie

Almond, Kale, And Banana Smoothie


½ orange, peeled

2 Medjool dates, pitted

¼ cup almonds

1 banana, peeled, cut into 1-inch pieces

2 cups torn kale leaves

¼ cup unsweetened almond milk or coconut water


1. Blend orange, dates, almonds, and 3 Tbsp. water in a blender on low speed, or until almonds are finely ground.

2. Increase speed to high and blend until mixture is no longer grainy.

3. Add banana, kale, almond milk, and ½ cup ice.

4. Blend until the drink is smooth and thick. Enjoy!

Serves 2

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