Network Spinal Analysis

Network Spinal Analysis

Network Spinal Analysis

My hands on work begins with Network Care, a light touch healing method that has unique wellness outcomes and clinical results. Within the Network model, I work with the following principles of health and healing

Sometimes, when life stresses – whether physical, chemical, emotional, mental, or spiritual – are not able to be fully used or integrated in the moment—and would otherwise threaten to overwhelm the integrity of your system as a whole—areas of isolated tension occur. In the spine, these are known as spinal subluxations, but they may occur anywhere in the body. The intention of care is to help restore the integrity of your system through re-integration of the information in these isolated areas. This bound energy, when released, provides tremendous fuel for healing.

Network Care does not attempt to manually, or by instrument, manipulate spinal fixations structurally (often associated with a snapping or popping sound), nor does it directly treat painful areas of the spine and body. Instead, by enhancing your body’s awareness of itself and specifically your spine, you can develop new strategies for healing, adapting to stress, and experiencing wellness. These strategies promote spontaneous self-correction and self-regulation of spinal tension patterns and healing.

Network Care is advanced through Levels of Care (Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced). Each level involves the development of new and unique spinal motions, other body movements, and oscillations. Spontaneous physical movement or emotional expression may occur during sessions.

I use additional chiropractic techniques when indicated.

Activator Methods

Activator Methods™ is a gentle, widely researched chiropractic technique that has two components:

  • A method of analyzing for spinal or extremity subluxations (dysfunctional joints causing neurological aberrations)
  • A handheld instrument for gently correcting the joint dysfunction

Dr. Amundson uses this method as a complement to Network Care as needed. Key prompters for its use include upper or lower extremity pain or dysfunction; very specific rib head pain; when quick relief of pain is desired.

Sacro-Occipital Technique

Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT) was originally formulated by Major Bertrand DeJarnette who was a doctor of both chiropractic and osteopathy, and an engineer in the 1920s. He was inspired to go beyond simple spinal adjusting and developed methods of correcting the Cranium, Pelvis, Extremities, and Organs. This study brought about a system of adjusting patterns in the body, not just single body parts. The most significant pattern was the relationship between the sacrum and occiput (which became the name of the technique).

DeJarnette also determined when the correction of the spinal subluxation was not enough and devised visceral manipulation procedures. Visceral procedures are used to help normalize organ function without the use of drugs or surgery. SOT also recognizes the important role of normal cranial function in health and disease. The cranial bones and other cranial structures can cause central nervous system problems that are often overlooked or ignored by most other chiropractic systems.

Typical of SOT is the use of spinal blocks (padded wedges) to passively—with the aid of your breathing—correct dysfunction of your pelvis, whether due to acute trauma or life stress. When corrections of the cranium is indicating, such as with TMJ dysfunction, Dr. Amundson uses SOT-Craniopathy to normalize the Sacro-Occipital system.

Low-Level Laser Therapy

RESEARCH: More than 2500 research reports and more than 125 randomized double-blind clinical trials have shown effectiveness for the following conditions:

  • Addictions (smoking cessation)
  • Anxiety & Depression
  • Arthritis, e.g., hip, knee, etc. (decreased pain & regeneration of cartilage)
  • Autism
  • Brain Regeneration (injuries, strokes, progressive conditions)
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Discs, Spinal (regeneration)
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Fractures & Bone Healing
  • Headaches
  • Heart (reduced infarct size)
  • Nerve Pain
  • Osteoporosis
  • Pain
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Sinusitis
  • Sports Injuries
  • Surface Wounds
  • Tendinitis
  • Tinnitus
  • TMJ
  • Weight Loss

SAFETY: In 30 years of clinical use and research studies, there is no evidence of any harm in the hands of a reasonably qualified therapist.


Laser is energy nutrition which:

  • Decreases scar tissue
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Speeds healing of tissues
  • Increases collagen production
  • Increases endorphins, so you feel good

Possibly the most authoritative text on low-level laser therapy is the 2002 book by Jan Turner and Lars Hode, Laser Therapy Clinical Practice and Scientific Background. This book contains 1,281 references. These authors note:

Today we can safely say that therapeutic lasers have an important biological effect and a very positive one at that.

  • We believe that lasers have a tremendous and as-of-yet untapped potential in the field of health care.
  • Therapeutic lasers have no undesirable side effects in the hands of a reasonably qualified therapist.
  • Lasers are sterile, painless, and often less expensive than methods already in use, and do not have side effects as does pharmacotherapy.
  • Laser therapy of wounds is ideal since it promotes healing and reduces pain at the same time.
  • Laser light increases the cell’s ATP energy.

Rapid Release

Scar Tissue forms in the body as a temporary patching mechanism for wounds caused by injury, surgery, trauma, or repetitive stress. This scar tissue dries out and contracts over time creating tension, stiffness, and hypersensitivity.

Adhesions can form and fasten two or more layers of tissues not normally connected, just like a spot weld fastens two pieces of metal together. Adhesions also increase tension and stiffness in your body.

Fascia Restrictions: Think of fascia as a shrink wrap that surrounds every muscle in your body. If this becomes dried out, it loses elasticity leading to more tension and stiffness.

Circulation. Cells need nutrients and oxygen to function properly. Without ample oxygen, a certain percentage of your muscle cells never fully release after you use them. Tight muscles restrict blood flow creating more tension. Many problems of the musculoskeletal system are related to muscle shortening (Lewit 1999).

Fluid restrictions can cause swelling, congestion, toxic buildup, and restrict movement. Trigger Points are hyperirritable spots in the fascia surrounding skeletal muscle also known as knots.

Rapid Release targets scar tissue and adhesions using gentle resonant frequency compression waves. Rapid Release also releases fascial restrictions and knots and increases circulation relaxing muscles, releasing stress, and tension while easing movement.

Areas Covered

Seattle metropolitan area

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